lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Healthy eating costs 170 pesos per day in Mexico City - heart of San Luis

A power suitable for the capital, which consider their age, level of income, customs and habits includes - in different portions - egg, chicken, beef meat, lentils, oats, tortillas, as well as fruits and vegetables.

The basket food regulations for the Federal District, drawn up by the Council of evaluation of Social development local (evaluate-DF), in coordination with the Institute of science and technology, shows that a family of four people would spend, on average, 170.62 pesos per day in food, if you consume the appropriate things.

The study is part of the project for the integrated measurement of poverty and inequality in Mexico City, concluded after several years of research and considered November 2011 prices.

Evaluated-DF said that the instrument does not reveal the current consumption of the capital but the least that require to be healthy.

According to the cycle of life, were six food baskets balanced initially, with fixed, but adjustable proportions each individual depending on their specific energy requirement.

It is estimated that if a person consumes under provisions faces deficit or food poverty.

It was considered a varied, full, healthy, affordable and socially acceptable diet comprised of foods at low cost and that can be easily accessible throughout the year.

Baskets should meet the requirements of NOM-043-SSA2-2005 (basic services of health.) Promotion and education for the health food. (Criteria for guidance) that sees as fundamental aspects to be full, balanced, varied and appropriate.

Food regulations basket is comprised of 43 products, but of them in the diet of all age groups that remain constant are 23, such as milk, carrot, fresh cheese of cow, tabasco banana, Apple, melon, Orange, papaya, tomato, chayote, spinach and Zucchini.

Estimates made by the researchers show that a basket full for a baby up to five months of age, depending on your requirements, can have a daily cost of 15 pesos, but increases to 50 for persons aged 14 to 50 years and there is a slight variation to the stands if you are man, because of the nutritional requirements has.

Analyses were performed to determine the cost of eating homemade food and meals outside the home of its members who work, was 68.29 pesos for the age range of 14 to 50 years.

In this way was established 58 pesos as cost in daily food for a person of average age, i.e. that this sum is it would have to spend if you consume what you really need.

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